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6 Important Things To Look For When Choosing A Roofing Contractor

May 26, 2020 | Uncategorized

Simply conducting a Google search for “roofing companies near me” and clicking on the first one that pops up isn’t the best way to go about finding a professional roofing company to get the job done right.

6 Important Things to Look For When Choosing a Roofing Contractor

If you’re looking to hire a quality roofing company, after you do a Google search for “roofing companies near me,” take note of the companies within a preferred radius to your location. Then, time to pull your sleeves up and do some research. There are a few things you should be looking for when looking at roofing contractors.

Whether it’s fixing a leaky roof or doing a complete roof replacement, here are several important things to check out.

1. Experience

How long has the company been around? Do they have experience doing the specific job you’re looking to have done? When reaching out to a contractor, make sure to ask these questions.

2. Testimonials

A professional contractor should have no problem coming up with previous customers that can vouch for their services. Sometimes these reviews and testimonials will be right on their website.

If testimonials are not on the website, you’ll have to ask. If they can’t provide you with at least one satisfied happy customer, that should definitely raise a red flag.

3. Estimate

A contractor should be able to provide you with a written estimate. The keyword here is “written”. It’s important to get an estimate of the total job in writing. This should include what the job entails and the cost of labor and materials. This protects you and the contractor from any potential disputes.

4. Price

If you get several cost estimates and one is significantly lower than the rest, be skeptical. With roofing, you tend to get what you pay for.

5. Local

When you search for “roofing companies near me” you would expect the results to only include nearby contractors or roofers, right? Wrong. There are several companies that are known in the contracting industry as storm chasers.

Storm chasers are companies that tend to go door to door in the aftermath of a natural disaster looking for work. In 2017, over 10 million properties were affected by hail damage. Storm chasers follow these disastrous weather events. They generally charge more for their work and in the event of something going wrong after the job is done, they won’t be anywhere to be found.

When you go through the results after searching for “roofing companies near me” make sure to double-check the contractor’s contact info.

6. Insurance

Arguably the most important point on this list to look into is insurance! Make sure the contractor has all their necessary licenses and up-to-date insurance. You want to make sure you and the contractor are covered if something unexpectedly goes wrong on the job.

There’s a little more to finding the right contractor to get the job done. It’s definitely more than grabbing the first listing after searching for “roofing companies near me”! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.


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